自然にカラダに馴染む肌にベールをまとったようなストール “Aura” [オーラ]


北は日本海、南は瀬戸内海に挟まれた自然豊かな土地、兵庫県。その兵庫県のおへそ、ほぼ中心に位置する播州 (ばんしゅう)と呼ばれるエリアで職人さんの手で一枚一枚大切に織られたのが播州織(ばんしゅうおり)のストール、Aura (オーラ)です。



肌寒いとき、日差しが強いと感じるとき、小雨が降ってきたとき。年々気候の変化で体温調整が難しいと感じる日が増えてきました。そんなとき、季節を問わずバッグに入れておけば安心できる、ジャケットや上着ほどは必要ないけれど、さっと肌に重ねられるストールがあれば心強い。それがmaden in Japanであればもっと安心できる。そんな想いを織り込み、このストール、Auraが誕生しました。


220年以上の歴史を誇る“WOVEN IN JAPAN”「播州織」













肌触りや品質の高さにこだわり、価値ある「ものづくり」を目指して、 主に シャットル織機と言われる半世紀前のヴィンテージ織機を使用し、修理に修理を重ね稼働させて使用されています。





”Payung×橋本裕司織布 オリジナルストール”

[旅するストール] 播州織 ストールAura 100×200cm

カラーは全3色。やわらかなオフホワイトの『Tofu white』、グレーとベージュが絶妙に混ざり合った『Houjicha tea latte』、そして深みのある炭色の『Kuromame black』。あなたの毎日に寄り添う播州織ストールを、ぜひお選びください。

Hyogo Prefecture is a land rich in nature, sandwiched between the Sea of ​​Japan to the north and the Seto Inland Sea to the south. The Banshu-ori stole, “Aura” is woven by artisans in an area called Banshu, located almost in the center of Hyogo Prefecture.

When it’s chilly, when the sun is strong, when it starts to rain lightly. With the change in weather every year, it’s becoming more and more difficult to regulate your body temperature. At times like these, it’s reassuring to have a stole that you can carry in your bag regardless of the season, and although it’s not as necessary as a jacket or outerwear, you can quickly put it on your skin. If it’s made in Japan, you can feel even more at ease. With this thought in mind, this stole “Aura” was born.

Banshu weaving is a textile that is said to have originated in the Kita-Harima region of Hyogo in 1792 (Kansei 4) during the mid-Edo period, and boasts a history of over 220 years. The Kita-Harima region of Hyogo Prefecture (around Taka Town and Nishiwaki City), one of Japan’s major textile production areas, is blessed with a natural environment and an abundance of clean water suitable for dyeing, which is cited as one of the reasons why textiles have flourished. It is rare worldwide that each process from dyeing to sizing, weaving, and processing is concentrated within the same production area, and it has attracted attention, with fashion colleges from all over Japan coming to inspect the area.

Currently, over 98% of textiles distributed in Japan are imported. With domestic textile production declining year by year, we wondered if there was a way to stop this and connect it to the future, and we came across Banshuori, a traditional textile from Hyogo Prefecture, where Payung is located.

I visited a factory in Taka-gun, Hyogo Prefecture, and saw a weaving machine up close for the first time. Weaving machines were lined up in a high-ceilinged factory. The factory must have been as old as my grandfather’s house, which I remember only a little in the back of my mind, and I was overwhelmed by its history, as if time had stopped. And there was a vintage loom still in use. The loom is irresistible for those who like retro cars and old machines, with each part having a sense of weight, yet the details are as delicate as a precision machine. I wonder what kind of stole would be made if this loom was used to weave a stole that would touch the skin? I thought that the resulting stole would be full of charm, incorporating the rich atmosphere and history of this place.

This is where our collaborative work with Mr. Hashimoto of Hashimoto Yuji Orimono began. The stole l should be large enough to completely cover the body in both cold and hot weather. We wanted it to be woven from cotton, which is easy to care for, but also smooth to the touch like silk. The colours should be basic and easy to use, natural colours that look like they’ve been taken from the scenery of Japan and that will suit Japanese skin. After much discussion and prototyping, the Aura stole was finally completed.

We hope that this stole will gently accompany you in your daily life, playing a supporting role but also becoming an indispensable part of your daily life.

[Hashimoto Yuji Shokufu]

Hashimoto Yuji Orimono was founded in 1965 and is a textile factory that has been passed down for three generations since the grandfather’s generation.

With a focus on texture and high quality, and aiming to create valuable “manufacturing,” they mainly use vintage shuttle looms from half a century ago, which have been repaired and kept in operation.

Fabric is made when the warp and weft threads cross at right angles. For this reason, high-speed looms weave at speeds of 600 to 700 revolutions per minute or more, so the threads are subjected to great stress in order to improve the handling of the threads with the minimum amount of movement necessary so as not to interfere with the up and down movement of the warp threads and the movement of the weft thread insertion. This results in a loss of texture, but it allows the production of a large amount of fabric at once, and the high speed rotation allows the fabric to be woven in a short time.

In contrast, the shuttle looms used by Hashimoto Yuji Orimono weave slowly at a slow speed of 130 revolutions per minute, which is about one-sixth the speed of high-speed looms. This results in a lower production rate, but it allows the yarn to be woven without stress, resulting in fabrics that are soft and gentle to the touch.

Payung’s Aura stole is made on a rapier loom, a different machine from the shuttle loom mentioned above, to get the texture and feel closer to the image.

Payung x Hashimoto Yuji Orimono original stole, feel free to tray on its softness for yourself.


部屋を整える Vol.5

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